Monday, July 17, 2006

Generic B-Trees in C

Released the C code for generic B-tree implementation under GPL version 2. Avaliable for download on my project page.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bombay rocks!!!

I am in weird state since today morning. I am extremely sad but very motivated and energtic. The reason being the blasts that rocked Bombay (amchi Mumbai) today morning. Mumbai is the place where I was born and raised, hence my home in India.

The entire day I have been thinking what caused this and who is supposed to be blamed? Is it LeT (lashkar-e-thoiba) or SIMI (student islamic movement of india) or Al-Qaeda? I think the real people to be blamed is us Indians and the reason all this happened is our slacking nature (or chalta hai attitude).

We have always taken the things happening around us for granted, never taking responsiblity for what 's going on. We hate change and all the more if someone tries to do something different or fight back, we call them stupid. We were born and brought up to never go against the authority, to always obey the rules and never question them. If we see something wrong taking place we simply ignore it thinking this has been happening for generations and this is the way the world functions. Unfortunately this mentality is inculated in our minds since a very young age.

It is to due to this ignorance and lack of zest for change that we have far from ideal political system and law. It is of this situation that some outsiders take advantage and cause problems like we had one today.

I don't know whether we shall improve or will anything change but I know who is to be blamed , it's us.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4th of July weekend

Tanu and me had been to Lake Powhattan and Smoky Mountains for the 4th of July weekend. Check out some of the pictures here.